Conley Zhai










Conley Zhai

Usahhb Rhinitis Care Center Founder & Chief Scientific Officer


In 2008, after working in the newly decorated office for several months, I developed rhinitis. The doctor gave me antihistamines and steroid hormones, and finally used dexamethasone atomization to only relieve some sneezing symptoms. The watery nose made me unable to sleep and work. I traveled to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen to seek medical treatment. I was very desperate at that time because I felt the rhinitis No medicine to cure, as long as someone introduces a method, no matter how much money I will try, just because rhinitis makes me unable to live a normal life. I turned to traditional medicine in despair. I buy a lot of books on traditional Chinese medicine, and sometimes I spend a lot of money on a book just for a prescription for rhinitis.


After a long battle with allergic rhinitis, I started Beijing BIANZHENGTANG Institute of traditional medicine  in 2012 as a not-for-profit way to share my rhinitis care regimen that finally cleared up my rhinitis.


Once I realized that almost everyone who followed the same regimen precisely also got completely bettler up, the scientist in me got curious. I hit the books and started thoroughly researching allergic rhinitis to figure out why my regimen works so well, and to also delve into anything else that might help people better up.

 I started Usahhb Rhinitis Care Center in 2012 --now with my team of MDS, Phds, writers, illustrators, and fact checkers--Usahhb Rhinitis Care Center has become a place to learn the truth about just about any topic related to allergic rhinitis, based on science.

I believe that the more minds we get involved, the better and faster we can end the struggle of allergic rhinitis, so I opened up as a platform for people all over the world to share their experiences and opinions via our forums and product & treatment reviews. Please join in.


Why do I sell products? Usahhb was entirely not-for-profit for the first several years and I never thought I would sell anything. There are two reasons for me to change my mind. One is that in Beijing, my Usahhb Take Sneezing Blood Activating Regimen is sold at a high price. Another reason is that when I was in Orlando,An American friend used USA hhb to cure his allergic rhinitis,He wanted to buy the USA hhb prescription at a very high price,I politely refused him.Later, with the help of USA hhb volunteers, we developed the best Usahhb Take Sneezing Blood Activating Regimen in the world for the treatment of rhinitis. It was the first time in the industry to put forward the theory that the root cause of rhinitis is the combination of blood stasis and phlegm turbidity, and thus developed an ideal product, so that people can really get rid of the trouble of rhinitis.


Help spread the word: I have no marketing or advertising department. I rely on you guys to spread the word. If you benefit from the TheUsahhb Take Sneezing Blood Activating Regimen or think that anything else on the website will benefit others, please tell your friends or use social media to say so.or use social media to get the word out. YouTube and Instagram seem to be great places right now to share things, but whatever platform you choose is great.










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Be Part of the Team

Our team of MDs and PhDs

Combing through every piece of information ever published on acne is no small task, and this is where our devoted team of MDs and PhDs (biology, microbiology, and chemistry) come in. Many MDs and PhDs apply to work on this team, but very few are chosen. Nothing less than a relentless pursuit of fully-referenced truth is allowed when it comes to research at, and we never cut corners.

Are you an MD or PhD (biology, microbiology, or chemistry) with a passion for acne?

Apply to Research

Our team of medical writers and illustrators

We also work with professional medical writers and illustrators. Their job is to help relay the complex research provided by our MDs and PhDs in a digestible way. Ultimately, Dan edits every article and works closely with our medical illustrators to ensure that every word of every article as well as each graphic is scientifically reliable.

Are you a medical writer or illustrator with an advanced degree?

Apply to Write Apply to Illustrate

Our team of fact checkers

No matter how thorough our raw research, and how careful Dan stays with editing every article and graphic, mistakes can happen. This is why every article is painstakingly fact checked for accuracy by our fact checkers. If you find any factual inaccuracies in any of our articles, kindly contact us so we can have a look.

Are you a fact checker with an advanced science degree?

Apply to Fact Check