


  • 一、绿瓶利鼻膏主要作用:宣肺化浊解毒。
  • 使用方法:


 2、用专用棉签取The Nose Detox Cearm(绿瓶黑色药膏)适量,以药膏涂抹1/2棉签为度,轻轻塞入患者鼻道;
5、取嚏排鼻毒时间到后,嘱咐患者将鼻涕一边一边的擤干净,再用干净的棉签将鼻腔中的黑色膏状物清理干净(棉头无深褐色药膏为度),然后涂上适量的红瓶Rhinitis Support Cream即可。








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Article credit : Heidi Cohen ( https://heidicohen.com/use-blog-to-sell/ )


  • 使用方法:每天早中晚各一次,一天三到四次为宜,每次用棉签沾少许鼻炎膏,均匀涂鼻腔内,可以由鼻头开始,由浅入深抹入。下鼻道、中鼻道、上鼻道最好都能涂抹到位,效果会更好。


  • 使用方法:每天晚上睡觉前30分钟使用一次,用棉签沾少许鼻炎膏,均匀涂鼻腔内,紫色鼻炎膏含辛味药物,有些刺激作用,黄帝内经指出:“酸入肝,辛入肺,苦入心,咸入肾,甘入脾。”,肺五行属金、肺主皮毛、五味为辛。有鼻头开始,由浅入深抹入,用量多少可以适应忍受为度。



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Article credit : Heidi Cohen ( https://heidicohen.com/use-blog-to-sell/ )

Operation guide of Bianzhengtang Rhinitis Huazhuo-Jiedu Regimen (illustration) Rhinitis is divided into allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinitis, the main reason is Qi deficiency and blood stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, toxin and pathogen is caused by allergic rhinitis protracted refractory, the main cause, evil in the lung, the disease in the nose. It is composed of four parts: fumigating, expelling, activating and tonifying. Patients with rhinitis should follow the following steps to remove rhinotoxin by sneezing:

1. Take a sneeze in the morning or evening. If you can't do it in the morning or evening, you can do it at noon instead. Or once every other day is theoretically OK;
2. The nasal meatus is divided into upper, middle and lower parts, and the same nasal meatus is done every three days. If the upper nasal meatus is done in these three days, then the middle nasal meatus should be done in the next three days, and then the lower nasal meatus should be done, and the circulation should be done in turn.
3. After taking out the sneeze and expelling the nasal poison, there will be nasal discharge within 20 minutes, which will not affect the rest or work;
4. During the period of taking sneeze and removing nasal poison, we should take and adjust the diet according to the doctor's advice, and try not to eat the food that is taboo.

1、 Operation steps of sneezing detoxification method:

1. First, the patient blows the nose in the nasal cavity;
 2. Take a proper amount of the nose Detox Cearm (green bottle black ointment) with a special cotton swab and gently insert it into the nasal canal of the patient;
3. Take a piece of medical paper tape (about 10-15 cm) and fix the cotton stick with medicine to avoid being sprayed out by air flow when taking out sneeze and removing nasal poison.
 4. The best time to remove nasal poison is 15-20 minutes. During sneezing, the patient breathes with his mouth, and may have a lot of nasal discharge, sneezing and tears (patients with chronic rhinitis have less reaction). The tears can be wiped off with paper towel, but the nasal discharge cannot be cleaned up;
5. After the time of removing rhinotoxin from sneeze is up, ask the patient to blow his nose clean on one side, then clean the black paste in the nasal cavity with a clean cotton swab (the cotton head is not dark brown ointment), and then apply an appropriate amount of rhinitis support cream. Upper, middle and lower nasal meatus operation guide:

Operation essentials of upper nasal meatus:
(as shown in the figure below) After the ointment is removed, the patient's head is lifted flat, and the cotton is inserted into the nasal cavity at an angle of 45 ° to the ground plane, with a depth of 3-4cm (about half of that of the cotton);
Main points of middle meatus operation:
(as shown in the figure below) After the ointment is removed, the patient lifts his head flat, and the cotton is inserted into the nasal cavity at an angle of 45 ° to the ground plane. After 1.5 cm is inserted, the tail of the cotton is raised and pushed into the nasal cavity at an angle of 10 ° to the ground plane. The depth is generally 5-6 cm (only 1-1.5 cm is left outside the nostril);
Main points of inferior meatus operation:
(as shown in the figure below) After the ointment is removed, the patient lifts his head flat. The cotton is inserted into the nasal cavity at an angle of 45 ° to the ground plane. After 1.5 cm is inserted, the tail of the cotton is raised and pushed into the nasal cavity at an angle of 0-5 ° to the ground plane. The depth is generally 5-6 cm (only 1-1.5 cm is left outside the nostril);

 The main functions of rhinotis support cream are: regulating qi and activating blood circulation, repairing nasal mucosa; Usage: once a day in the morning, in the middle and at night, dip a little rhinitis cream with a cotton swab every time, and evenly apply it to the nasal cavity, starting from the nose, from shallow to deep.

The nose of purple bottle smells the nose of purple bottle. The nose of purple bottle smells the nose of purple bottle. Usage: every night before going to bed, use a cotton swab dipped in a little rhinitis cream, evenly apply to the nasal cavity, you can start with the nose, from shallow to deep. matters needing attention:

1. At the beginning of use, you may sneeze continuously, have a runny nose, and sometimes shed tears. After the use of nasal runny nose more, because the nasal mucosa inflammation leads to mucosal sensitivity, wipe rhinitis ointment back a phenomenon of nasal toxicity, belongs to normal, row more the better, inflammation disappeared after the symptoms disappear naturally.
2. When starting to use Biyan ointment, the nose is even more blocked (Biyan ointment promotes the turbid discharge of toxins in the lung and nasal cavity, and the nasal cavity is blocked by inflammation and swelling).
3. When there is ulcer in the nasal mucosa, there will be a sting pain feeling, and it will disappear after 3-5 minutes.
4. When the nasal mucosa is thin and dry, inflammation makes it edematous and congestive, occasionally bleeding or bloodshot when smearing, do not be nervous, it is a normal phenomenon.
5. If the adhesive tape is not fixed firmly, it may be sprayed off. If the medication is less than 10 minutes, it is recommended to re insert the ointment and remove the sneeze to remove the nasal poison;